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Social media is a source that has been involucrate in today’s society. It’s a recent invention and has been introduced with technology. Social media is many times used by teens because they are the most experimented, and makes easier many of the things we commonly do. But this at the time brings some problems. But on my point of view Internet and social media is a principal source for today’s generations and facilitates many jobs and problems that continuously present on our lives, with a good use, obviously, because this increases the amount of possibility to an abuse or risk to death in America, because always at the other side of a computer is an abuser or a bad person. Many risks are near with the use of technology in our days, but with a good use, with restrictions it could be a fantastic thing with no risk of using it at all. 

New media is an excelent source that is used by a huge percentage of the world, is a tool that with a good use can be very benefitial and can take us to a technological future, but sometimes people use this to make wickedness to other individuals and this is an error that is making this a dangerous tool. Internet is now seen as a threat to them because maybe if you find an extrange person can be dangerous. or this can take to other risks, such as addiction, violent psicology, obesity, etc. This is just caution hat can make this a good tool and control over this "new media" sources to prevent cases in which you can be treatened. 



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